Daily horoscope for Wednesday December 2 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today


March 21 to April 20

Surprises planet Uranus and the moon take a simple family choice and make it much more exciting.

What stands out is your ability to work with things as they are, leaving wishful thinking behind.

Your love self is a hug waiting to happen. Partners old and new will respond to this.

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April 21 to May 21

You might not know exactly what to say in a tricky situation but it is useful to speak anyway, as your deep honesty will shine through.

Your zone of personal growth is fired by Mercury and you are ready to commit to change with a timetable that both tests and rewards you.


May 22 to June 21

Cash secrets you were holding on to can be released as you get ready to step up to a new level of trust.

Not everyone may “get” your money ideas but you can rely on your own abilities.

In passion terms, Venus is hard at work. When you need to dig deep, it happens. Single? Listen for a cute giggle.


June 22 to July 22

The sun brings warmth to your careers sector and helps you face up to some facts about work.

It might not be everything you dream of right now but there is potential there.

A new face with compelling eyes can help. Passion is full of fun but also asks heart-healing questions – please reply.


July 23 to August 23

You have such a firm grasp of a creative project that you should now think harder about taking it to a public audience.

So much is changing in your life over the next few days and you are ready to seize chances.

In love terms, too, security is there for the asking . . . so why do you resist?


August 24 to September 22

Your ideas about who and what make a home are ready to be reviewed, with some unexpected address choices close.

This time, you can be prepared. Uranus, planet of surprising yourself, sparks instant attraction in a routine setting.

What you do next changes everything.


September 23 to October 23

The ambitions climbing to the top of your personal list are not the ones you expect.

This is Uranus at work in your deepest self and it shows you the way to make the most of your skills.

In love, Venus helps you weigh up pros and cons with a cool head. When you decide, respond with a hot heart.


October 24 to November 22

You feel Mercury’s calm presence in your money zone and can breeze through cash questions.

But take time for love, too, as Venus doubles your charm. The passion you long for can be right there in your arms.

A long-distance family connection is the key to finding a new address.


November 23 to December 21

Trust your instincts at work instead of always standing back to let bolder people push through.

This time, when you speak you can be heard. Your sign is Mercury-cool – in love, this helps you see the bigger picture and appreciate what you see.

If you are single, someone with a guardian-style job is a great fit.


December 22 to January 20

It is not always easy to find ways to live or work in harmony but now you have the skills to help others fit in.

A deadline you have been dreading can go so well. If you are in love, Venus makes you a passion star and you dazzle like the first time.

If you are single, a musical Virgo hits the right note.


January 21 to February 18

Getting the right balance between work and home is a key theme of your chart.

Yes, your ideas are good but you need to work them through, so don’t keep them to yourself.

Your chart of celebrity links numbers and pictures together against the clock. Any game like this can be lucky.


February 19 to March 20

Ambitions are building and the next few days are crucial. Do set up meetings and conversations to talk through your goals.

The right people are ready to offer the help you need.

Venus makes passion a learning curve and lesson one is to let go a little. More freedom can lead to a bigger commitment.

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from The Sun
Daily horoscope for Wednesday December 2 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today Daily horoscope for Wednesday December 2 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today Reviewed by Khurram Shahzad on December 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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