Daily horoscope for Tuesday February 2 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today


March 21 to April 20

THE moon and sun make you immensely sociable, and reaching out in all kinds of ways is your star skill.

So even if you think it’s too late to connect with a person or a plan, you could give it a try today.

Family life may run a little hot and cold, but you can find a balance that works.

Work numbers are starting to add up.

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April 21 to May 21

The extra energy of Jupiter is at play in your chart, with a strong link to fitness.

So even if your mind is not totally in the mood, let your body lead towards exercise.

You could be surprised with what happens next. Passion is setting new and exciting goals.

If you are single, this includes a re-run of a missed introduction.


May 22 to June 21

Today is all about your creative self and finding ways to set it free. So do try to find time to do something you enjoy.

Neptune adds inspiration to romance, and when you mix feelings with actions, a lover will get your message.

If you start the day single, there’s a warm heart hidden under some cool clothing.


June 22 to July 22

Yes, home life needs your attention – because you’ve put up with a situation long enough.

And finding the words to say what you’d like to change is the start of a transformation phase that may bring positive challenges.

Love is strong on instinct – if your heart tells you to trust someone, you should listen.


July 23 to August 23

As Venus settles into your co-operation and harmony chart, you can let go of old grudges and regrets.

Face love and life with a clean slate – an Aries with an infectious laugh is already right there, waiting for you.

Yes, it’s tempting to postpone a work chat, but it needs to happen sooner rather than later.


August 24 to September 22

Jupiter luck dances around your career chart, while the moon lights your money zone.

Together this gives you the ability to ask for the rewards you deserve.

Stop trusting luck and really take charge of your own financial status.

The sun adds a beam of work brilliance that helps you rise to any task and shine.


September 23 to October 23

You’ve got a unique take on work and home situations, and you’re ready to see plans through.

But do take time to include someone older who may not always be on the same wavelength.

Feelings are still true, no matter what.

Writing, speaking and recording your own words can have professional rewards.


October 24 to November 22

There’s a lot that’s still hidden at home – maybe by yourself – and you’re right to try to change this.

But approaching it in small stages is a more effective idea.

With Venus in your security sector for the next few weeks, love can take some shaking up.

If you’re single, someone with several homes can be a great fit.


November 23 to December 21

You have warm and loving Venus in your communication zone, and reconnecting with names from your past can be a project to pursue.

Yes, this can include a romantic ex.

A celebrity-rich moon links circles, prizes and famous faces. Someone with a three-letter name can be your soulmate.


December 22 to January 20

The moon and sun highlight the cash-creation and success sectors of your chart – so taking a plan to the next stage becomes simpler.

Yes, you need to be confident in your own skills, and your positive chart encourages this. But you’re a great team-player, too.

Door number 22 links to special luck.


January 21 to February 18

Everything you think you know about love is up for review in ways you will really adore.

So yes, do respond to someone who says your name in an unusual way.

Your learning zone is moonlit, and any kind of course that includes a caring element is a great fit.

Adding words to pictures can put you on a prize list.


February 19 to March 20

If you feel you’ve moved away from your true self, maybe in a work environment, the sun and moon bring you back today.

Your feet are on the ground, while your ideas fly high – a combination that’s so exciting.

If you’re in love, dreams are more shared than you think.

Single? Charity sport can lead to love.

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from The Sun
Daily horoscope for Tuesday February 2 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today Daily horoscope for Tuesday February 2 — here’s what the stars have in store for you today Reviewed by Khurram Shahzad on February 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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